About us
Since its establishment in 2004, "Crystal Pen" OJSC has successfully applied advanced production technologies and achieved a variety of products and a stable quality system. Our factory, which manufactures plastic door and window systems, glass facade systems, glass partitions, pergolas and isosystems and manufactures aluminum systems, is constantly working to increase customer satisfaction. In addition to the constantly developing capital city of Baku, we receive the most diverse orders from the regions and provide professional services to the citizens who apply to us. In addition to these, "Crystal Pen" has worked in various projects of national importance and has maintained its leading position.
The use of plastic doors and windows, produced with heat and sound insulation at the fore, is the most important step that can be taken in terms of savings. Expert inspection and preliminary planning of houses, apartments or workplaces where we will install door or window systems is one of the important directions of our activity. During this inspection, information such as the location of the spatial structure where the window or door will be installed, wind loads, and the amount of rainwater it receives are calculated and evaluated, taking into account all external factors of plastic doors and windows. The main thing we want is that our customers and regular partners are satisfied with our activities. This agreement also means a professional culture and a shared value system for Crystal PEN.

Our mission
Since 2004, "Crystal PEN" has been delighting its customers with a reliable door-window system, making responsibility, quality and honesty its priority, and sees customer comfort as the main functional necessity. Works are performed using modern materials with appropriate and expensive tools.
Our target
The highly qualified team of "Crystal PEN", which treats each client's request individually, aims to further expand the services it provides in a comprehensive manner. It is one of our priority goals to further improve service delivery to strengthen the confidence of our customers and partners in the quality of our work.